Sind Club Library

List of Books

S. No Accession No Book Title Author Subject Type
6401 2749 Identity Kundera, Milan Fiction Book
6402 21850 Identity : The Demand for Dignity and the Politics of Resentment Fukuyama, Francis Political Participation - Social Aspects Book
6403 14795 Identity and Violence : The Illusion of Destiny Sen, Amartya Social Conflict Book
6404 9180 Ideological Orientation of Pakistan (OS) Mujahid, Sharif Al Pakistan Book
6405 9474 Ideologocal Basis of Pakistan Haq, S Moinul Pakistan Book
6406 9595 Ideology of Pakistan Iqbal, Javed Pakistan Book
6407 22342 Idiot Dostoyevsky, Fyodor Urdu Fiction Book
6408 7308 Idols Gavaskar, Sunil Cricket Book
6409 11026 Ietiraf Salma Kanval Urdu Fiction Book
6410 21832 If Born Again Rahim, Talat Autobiography Book
6411 15592 If God was a Banker Subramanian, Ravi Fiction Book
6412 22524 If I Could Say Goodbye Cooper, Emma Fiction Book
6413 20710 If I Forget You Greene, T C Fiction Book
6414 22472 If I Never Met You Mcfarlane, Mhairi Fiction Book
6415 23548 If It Bleeds King, Stephen Fiction
6416 23548 If It Bleeds King, Stephen Fiction
6417 20268 If on a Winter's Night a Traveller Calvino, Italo Fiction Timeless / Popular Book
6418 21961 If Stones Could Speak : Echoes From the Past (1/2 copy) Salahuddin, Iftikhar Ancient Stones Book
6419 21962 If Stones Could Speak : Echoes From the Past (2/2 copy) Salahuddin, Iftikhar Ancient Stones Book
6420 21923 If The Oceans Were Ink : An Unlikely Friendship and a Journey to the Heart of the Quran Power, Carla Islam - Appreciation Book
6421 5105 IF This Was Happiness : A Biography of Rita Hayworth Leaming, Barbara Biography Book
6422 15720 If Today Be Sweet Umrigar, Thrity Fiction Book
6423 3701 If Tomorrow Comes (1/4 copy) Sheldon, Sidney Fiction Book
6424 15279 If Tomorrow Comes (4/4 copy) Sheldon, Sidney Fiction Book
6425 15244 If Truth Be Told : An Alternate History of Pakistan (Copy 1/3) Akhtar, Haq Nawaz Pakistan History Book
6426 15245 If Truth Be Told : An Alternate History of Pakistan (Copy 2/3) Akhtar, Haq Nawaz Pakistan History Book
6427 15246 If Truth Be Told : An Alternate History of Pakistan (Copy 3/3) Akhtar, Haq Nawaz Pakistan History Book
6428 15026 Ifadaat-e-Azad Azad, Abul Kalam Urdu Religion Book
6429 23696 IFRIT (Copy 1/2) Laghari, Javaid #N/A Book
6430 23704 IFRIT (Copy 2/2) Laghari, Javaid #N/A Book
6431 11528 Ignorance : A Novel Kundera, Milan Fiction Book
6432 14967 Ijaz-e-Bayan Ijaz Hussain Batalvi Urdu Anthology Book
6433 845 Ikai Saleem Ahmed Urdu Poetry Book
6434 5266 IKE, A Pictorial Biography Longgood, William F Biography Book
6435 23624 Ikigai : The Japanese Secret to a Long anf Happy Life Garcia, Hector Self Help Book
6436 347 Ilham-o-Afkar Josh Malihabadi Urdu Poetry Book
6437 15401 Illegal Action Rimington, Stella Fiction Book
6438 141 Illusions Dailey, Janet Fiction Book
6439 9302 Illusions of Triumph : An Arab View of the Gulf War Heikal, Mohamed Gulf War 1991 Book
6440 6875 Illustrated History of Islam Rauf, Abdur History of Islam Book
6441 625 Ilm-e-Jadid ka Challenge Khan, Maulana Wahiduddin Urdu Essays Book
6442 15497 Ilmul Kalam Aur Alkalam Shibli Nomani Urdu Aqaid & Kalam Book
6443 7274 Image and Identity Naqvi, Akbar Pakistan - Paintings Book
6444 21510 Image Supremacy Javed, Naseem Branding (Marketing) Book
6445 18538 Images in My Mirror : Autobiography of a Sindhi Poet Dawood, Attiya Autobiography Book
6446 21320 Images of Karachi Delamotte, Jill Karachi Book
6447 16747 Images of Muhammad : Narratives of the Prophet in Islam Across the Centuries Khalidi, Tarif Biography Book
6448 14431 Imaginary Men Banerjee, Anjali Fiction Book
6449 1593 Imaginary Muslims : The Uwaysi Sufis of Central Asia Baldick, Julian Sufism Book
6450 12522 Imagination and Technique in Bridge Bourke, Tim Bridge Book
6451 8879 Imagining India : Essays on Indian History Embree, Ainslie T. India Book
6452 21829 Imagining Lahore : The City That Is, The City That Was Khalid, Haroon Lahore - History Book
6453 11591 Imagining the End Amanat, Abbas Judgement Day Book
6454 11705 Imam Gazzali's Ihya Ulam-Id-Din (Vol I) Fazal-Ul-Karim Mysticism Book
6455 11706 Imam Gazzali's Ihya Ulam-Id-Din (Vol II) Fazal-Ul-Karim Mysticism Book
6456 11707 Imam Gazzali's Ihya Ulam-Id-Din (Vol III) Fazal-Ul-Karim Mysticism Book
6457 11708 Imam Gazzali's Ihya Ulam-Id-Din (Vol IV) Fazal-Ul-Karim Mysticism Book
6458 12729 Iman Wale Mohiuddin Nawab Urdu Fiction Book
6459 18546 Iman, Umeed Aur Mohabbat Umairah Ahmad Urdu Fiction Book
6460 5367 Imelda Marcos Pedrosa, Carmen Navarro Biography Book
6461 14451 Immas and Emirs : State, Religion and Sects in Islam Khuri, Fuad I Islam and Politics Book
6462 12343 Immortal in Death Roberts, Nora Fiction Book
6463 19004 Immortality Kundera, Milan Fiction Book
6464 22972 Impact of pakistan Marritime Affairs on Blue Economy in Backdrop of CPEC Shahzad, S M Exclusive Economic Zone Book
6465 14224 Imperial Ambitions Chomsky, Noam Miscellaneous Book
6466 9132 Imperial Gazetteer of India : Provincial Series Punjab (Vol I) Rose, H A Gazetteer - Punjab Book
6467 8839 Imperial Gazetteer of India Afghanistan and Nepal Clarke, E H S Afghanistan Book
6468 8810 Imperial Gazetteer of India Provincial Series Punjab Vol I Imperial Gazetteer of India Punjab Book
6469 13691 Imperial Hubris : Why the West is Losing the War On Terror Anonymous Terrorism Book
6470 7956 Imperial Mughal Painters Okada, Amina Mughal Paintings Book
6471 14719 Imperium : A Novel of Ancient Rome Harris, Robert Fiction Book
6472 23097 Impossible Lotz, Sarah FICTION Book
6473 7245 Impossible Picturesqueness : Edward Lear's Indian Watercolours 1873-1875 Lear, Edward Watercolour Paintings Book
6474 13217 Improve Your Bridge - Fast Sontag, Alan Bridge Book
6475 13229 Improve Your Bridge Memory Klinger, Ron Bridge Book
6476 19788 Improve Your Bridge Memory Klinger, Ron Bridge Book
6477 7213 Improve Your Dummy Play Milnes, Eric C Bridge Book
6478 19738 Improve Your Opening Leads Kelsy, High Bridge Book
6479 19777 Improve Your Opening Leads Kelsey, Hugh Bridge Book
6480 7184 Improve Your Partner's Defence Kelsey, Hugh Bridge Book
6481 7121 Improving Your Squash Hawkey, R B Squash Book
6482 5397 Imran Khan Tennant, Ivo Biography Book
6483 16564 Imran Khan : The Biography Sandford, Christopher Biography Book
6484 7301 Imran Khan's Cricket Skills Ball, Peter Cricket Book
6485 18183 Imran Versus Imran : The Untold Story Huzur, Frank Cricket Book
6486 21679 In A Country Garden Haran, Maeve Fiction Book
6487 1202 In a Dry Season Robinson, Peter Fiction Book
6488 4463 In a Free State (WOF) Naipaul, V S Fiction Book
6489 4934 In a Heartbeat Adler, Elizabeth Fiction Book
6490 21949 In a House of lies Rankin, Ian Fiction Book
6491 16239 In Action! Episode 2 : The Dream Team Stine, Megan Junior Fiction Book
6492 16237 In Action! Episode 3 : Fubble Bubble Trouble Stine, Megan Junior Fiction Book
6493 16238 In Action! Episode 5 : Dog-Gone Mess Stine, Megan Junior Fiction Book
6494 16221 In Action! Episode 6 : The Music Meltdown Katschke, Judy Junior Fiction Book
6495 16240 In Action! Episode 7 : Password : Red Hot Pettit, Kristen Junior Fiction Book
6496 6072 In Afghanistan's Shadow : Baluch Nationalism and Soviet Temptations (RC) Harrison, Selig S Balochistan Rare Collection
6497 4356 In America Sontag, Susan Fiction Book
6498 13063 In An Antique Land Ghosh, Amitav Travelogue Book
6499 12646 In An Uncertain World Rubin, Roberte E Biography Book
6500 15995 In Arabian Nights : In Search of Morocco, Through its Stories and Storytellers Shah, Tahir Travelogue Book

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