Sind Club Library

List of Books

S. No Accession No Book Title Author Subject Type
3301 16118 Complete Baby and Childcare Stoppard, Miriam Child Care Book
3302 7028 Complete Confectionery Techniques Nicolello, Ildo Desserts Book
3303 7186 Complete Defense Bridge Play Kantar, Edwin B Bridge Book
3304 12415 Complete English Poems Donne, John English Poetry Book
3305 18596 Complete Guide to Women's Heart Health American Heart Association Health & Fitness Book
3306 11874 Complete Nonsense Lear, Edward Humour Book
3307 7599 Complete Poetical Works Keats, John English Poetry Book
3308 20580 Complete Stories Lispector, Clarice English Short Stories Book
3309 20395 Completely Cassidy Murray, Tamsyn Junior Fiction Book
3310 22938 Complications Steel, Danielle FICTION Book
3311 16782 Complications : A Surgeons's Notes on an Imperfect Science Gawande, Atul Biography Book
3312 22700 Composing a Further Life : The Age of Active Wisdom Bateson, Mary Catherine Women Intellectuals Book
3313 15774 Composite Nationalism and Islam Madani, Hussain Ahmad Nationalism Book
3314 15952 Compulsion Kellerman, Jonathan Fiction Book
3315 10920 Concise Encyclopaedia of earth and its Inhabitants Maury, Alfred Earth Book
3316 19486 Concise Encyclopaedia of English Literature Emilegouis M L English Literature Book
3317 9868 Concise Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy Routledge Philosophy
3318 9868 Concise Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy Routledge Philosophy
3319 21489 Conclave Harris, Robert Fiction Book
3320 24100 Concordia at the Edge of K2 Rashid, Javaid Pakistan Book
3321 11876 Confession Tolstoy, Leo Faith Book
3322 16518 Confessional Terror : A Dateline to Death Singh, Bhawani Terrorism Book
3323 15226 Confessions Brian, Kate Fiction Book
3324 16602 Confessions at Midnight Dalessandro, Jacquie Fiction Book
3325 22560 Confessions of a Bookseller Bythell, Shaun Biography Book
3326 18845 Confessions of A Good Girl Mclean, Andrea Women - Television Personalities Book
3327 16725 Confessions of a Little Black Gown Boyle, Elizabeth Fiction Book
3328 16563 Confessions of a Mullah Warrior Farivar, Masood Memoirs Book
3329 13611 Confessions of a Secular Fundamentalist Aiyar, Mani Shankar Secularism Book
3330 14726 Confessions of a Shopaholic Kinsella, Sophie Fiction Book
3331 19330 Confessions of a Wild Child Collins, Jackie Fiction Book
3332 19781 Confessions of An Advertising Man Ogilvy, David Advertising Book
3333 23022 Confessions of an Alleged Good Girl Goffney, Joya FICTION Book
3334 14738 Confessions of an Economic Hit Man Perkins, John Politics Book
3335 17195 Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister Maguire, Gregory Fiction Book
3336 19046 Confessions the Private School Murders Patterson, James Fiction Book
3337 22746 Confident Parents, Confident Kids : Raising Emotional Intelligence in Ourselves and Our Kids... Miller, Jennifer S Child Development Book
3338 8591 Conflict in the Persian Gulf Gordon, Murray Gulf War Book
3339 20380 Conflict Management and Vision for a Secular Pakistan Ahmar, Moonis Conflict Management Book
3340 1699 Confronting Empire (1/3 copy) Ahmad, Eqbal Essays Book
3341 1700 Confronting Empire (2/3 copy) Ahmad, Eqbal Essays Book
3342 11699 Confronting Empire (3/3 copy) Ahmad, Eqbal Essays Book
3343 16924 Confronting Terrorism Raza, Maroof Terrorism Book
3344 18792 Confronting the Bomb : Pakistani and Indian Scientists Speak Out Hoodbhoy, Pervez Nuclear Weapons Book
3345 14281 Confucianism : A Short Introduction Berthrong, John H Confucianism Book
3346 2262 Congo Crichton, Michael Fiction Book
3347 13697 Congress - Muslim League Tussle 1937 - 40 : A Critical Analysis Shakoor, Abida Political Parties Book
3348 22875 Conjure Women Atakora, Afia Fiction Article
3349 20518 Conker Morpurgo, Michael Junior Fiction Book
3350 9412 Conpiracy in Jerusalem : The Hidden Origins of Jesus Salibi, Kamal Miscellaneous Book
3351 12904 Conqueror's Moon May, Julian Fiction Book
3352 8425 Conquest and Empire : The reign of Alexander the Great Bosworth, A B Alexander Book
3353 9759 Consider the Lilies Smith, Iain Crichton Fiction Book
3354 9557 Constitution, Law and Pakistan Affairs Shah, Nasim Hasan Pakistan - Constitution Book
3355 13462 Constitutional and Political History of Pakistan Khan, Hamid Constitutional History Book
3356 1848 Constitutional Developmetn in India: Contribution of Justice K Subba Rao Rao, T V Subba Indian Constitution Book
3357 11329 Constitutional Law of Pakistan : Text, Case Law & Analytical Commentary (Vol I) Rizvi, Syed Shabbar Raza Pakistan - Constitution Book
3358 11330 Constitutional Law of Pakistan : Text, Case Law & Analytical Commentary (Vol II) Rizvi, Syed Shabbar Raza Pakistan - Constitution Book
3359 11331 Constitutional Law of Pakistan : Text, Case Law & Analytical Commentary (Vol III) Rizvi, Syed Shabbar Raza Pakistan - Constitution Book
3360 33 Contagion (1/2 copy) Cook, Robin Fiction Book
3361 11649 Contagion (2/2 copy) Cook, Robin Fiction Book
3362 7311 Contemporary Art from the Islamic World Ali, Wijdan Islamic Art Book
3363 10445 Contemporary Conflicts Ahmed, S Haroon Conflict Book
3364 1988 Contemporary Debates in Islam : An Anthology of Modernist and Fundamentalist Thought Moaddel, Mansoor and Talattof, Kamran Islam Book
3365 8017 Contemporary Islam and the Challenge of History Haddad, Yvonne Yazbeck Islam Book
3366 6339 Contemporary Muslim World Iqbal, Afzal Muslim World Book
3367 13013 Contemporary Pakistan : Political Processes, Conflicts and Crises Kukreja, Veena Politics Book
3368 1911 Contemporary Power Politics and Pakistan Koreshi, S M Politics Book
3369 17287 Contemporary Religious Thought in Islam Ali, Shaukat Islam Book
3370 14240 Contesting Identities in Pakistan : Region, Religion and the Nation-Sate Kaushik, Surendra Nath Politics Book
3371 13955 Continantal Cuisine for the Indian Palate Sur, Chand Indian Cooking Book
3372 7240 Continents in Collision (OS) Miller, Keith Mountaineering Book
3373 12164 Continuity and Change : Socio-Political and Institutional Dynamics in Pakistan Zaidi, S Akbar Social Change Book
3374 7171 Contract Bridge Hartley, J G Bridge Book
3375 10390 Contract Bridge for Everyone Culbertson, Ely Bridge Book
3376 1331 Contract Bridge Hands Kempson, Ewart Bridge Book
3377 1339 Contract Bridge Made Easy Culbertson, Josephine Bridge Book
3378 6732 Contributions to Iqbal's Thought Maruf, Mohammed Islamic Philosophy Book
3379 17786 Control Your Destiny or Someone Else Will Tichy, Noel M Management Book
3380 18186 Controversially Yours Akhtar, Shoaib Cricket Book
3381 22074 Conversations With Friends Rooney, Sally Fiction Book
3382 1254 Conversations About the End of Time Eco, Umberto Space and Time Book
3383 17993 Conversations With Lee Kuan Yew Plate, Tom Political and Social Views Book
3384 19274 Conversations With Waheeda Rehman Kabir, Nasreen Munni Interview Book
3385 22473 Conviction Mina, Denise Fiction Book
3386 19853 Convincing Alex Roberts, Nora Fiction Book
3387 21113 Cookie Wilson, Jacqueline Junior Fiction Book
3388 11303 Cooking for a Healthy Heart Lynas, Jacqui Recipes Book
3389 2782 Cool, Sweet Water : Selected Stories Khadija Mastur Fiction Book
3390 2031 Coolie Anand, Mulk Raj Fiction Book
3391 7702 Coping with Depression and Elation Mckeon, Patrick Depression Book
3392 8272 Coping with India Wood, Robert Travel - India Book
3393 23419 Coping With School Refusal Hsienijin, Teoh Education Book
3394 23120 Coraline Gaiman, Neil Junior Fiction
3395 21823 Cordially Invited Sugg, Zoe Seasonal Cooking Book
3396 23361 Core Documents on European and International Human Rights Smith, Rhona Human Rights
3397 23361 Core Documents on European and International Human Rights Smith, Rhona Human Rights
3398 15983 Corner Shop Farooki, Roopa Fiction Book
3399 23498 Coronasuars Ki Haar Sayeed, Nusser Urdu Junior Fiction Book
3400 161 Corporate Finance in Pakistan Khan, Bashir Ahmad Finance Book

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