Sind Club Library

List of Books

S. No Accession No Book Title Author Subject Type
12201 22312 Sarak Kinaaray Manto, Sadat Hassan Fiction Urdu Short Stories Book
12202 17925 Saraswati Park Joseph, Anjali Fiction Book
12203 5763 Sardar Abdur Rab Nishter : A Political Biography Shah, Syed Mujawar Hussain Biography Book
12204 14225 Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel : Indian's Iron Man Krishna, B Biography Book
12205 2841 Sardar Vallabhbhi Patel and Comrade Mao Tse-Tung Kumar, Ravindra Farming Book
12206 319 Sare Maqtal Jalib, Habib Urdu Poetry Book
12207 18229 Sareero Sar Sar Arif, Mazhar Urdu Poetry Book
12208 13787 Sari & Sins Minhas, Nisha Fiction Book
12209 17256 Saris and the City Waheed, Rekha Fiction Book
12210 22314 Sarkandoon Kay Pichay Manto, Sadat Hassan Fiction Urdu Short Stories Book
12211 4244 Sarkhan Lederer, William J Fiction Book
12212 3996 Sarmaya-e-Urdu Shirani, Hafiz Mahmood Urdu Adab/Literature Book
12213 760 Sarmayah Kaifi Azmi Urdu Poetry Book
12214 5645 Sartre Barnes, Hazel E Philosophers Book
12215 17948 Sartre and Fiction Cox, Gray Criticism Book
12216 926 Sat Khil Bedi, Rajindar Singh Urdu Drama Book
12217 10251 Satan in Goray Singer, Isaac Bashevis Fiction Book
12218 20997 Satan's Harvest Warren, Lorraine Demonic Possession Book
12219 5169 Satement of the Accused, Baba-e-Sindh Hyder Baksh Jatoi (October 7,1901 - May 21,1970 Jatoi, Hatim Biography Book
12220 12335 Satish Jacob from Hotel Palestine Baghdad : A Pages from A War Diary Jacob, Satish Diary Book
12221 16820 Saturday Mcewan, Ian Fiction Book
12222 19896 Saturday Night Widows : The Adventures of Six Friends Remaking Their Lives Aikman, Becky Widows Book
12223 22649 Saturdays at Noon Marks, Rachel Fiction Book
12224 11472 Satvan Charagh Adib, Mirza Urdu Fiction Book
12225 11434 Satwan Charagh Adib, Mirza Urdu Fiction Book
12226 5527 Satyajit, Ray : The Inner Eye Robinson, Andrew Biography Book
12227 13345 Satyricon Petronius Novels Book
12228 12004 Sau Azeem Musalman Yasir Jawad Urdu Biography Book
12229 1231 Sauces & Salsas (OS) Schwartz, Oded Sauces Book
12230 618 Saudai (1/2 copy) Ismat Chughtai Urdu Fiction Book
12231 8536 Saudi Arabia Kay, Shirley Saudi Arabia Book
12232 7800 Saudi Arabia : Government Society and the Gulf Crisis Abir, Mordechai Saudi Arabia Book
12233 8232 Saudi Arabia : QA Meed Practical Guide Mostyn, Trevor Saudi Arabia Book
12234 14857 Saudi Babylon : Toture, Corruption and Cover-Up Inside the House of Saud Hollingsworth, Mark Torture Book
12235 3489 Sauveterre Larteguy, Jean Fiction Book
12236 3363 Savage Eden Gluyas, Constance Fiction Book
12237 2930 Savage Justice Handberg, Ron Fiction Book
12238 17605 Savage Lands Clark, Clare Fiction Book
12239 9436 Savage Paradise Van Lawick, Hugo Miscellaneous Book
12240 15706 Savanah Mawlana Rum Shibli Nomani Urdu Biography Book
12241 11554 Savaneh Mawlana Rum Shibli Noamani Urdu Biography Book
12242 15854 Savant Follett, James Fiction Book
12243 23335 Save Water Save Pakistan Malik, Bashir A Pakistan
12244 23335 Save Water Save Pakistan Malik, Bashir A Pakistan
12245 13508 Saving Faith (2/2 copy) Baldacci, David Fiction Book
12246 14320 Saving Fish From Drowning Tan, Amy Fiction Book
12247 19843 Saving Grace Green, Jane Fiction Book
12248 659 Saving Grace Garwood, Julie Fiction Book
12249 7013 Saving the Oceans Macinnis, Joseph Marine Ecology Book
12250 16084 Say Goodbye Gardner, Lisa Fiction Book
12251 17727 Say It Like Obama : The Power of Speaking With Purpose and Vision Leanne, Shel Oratory Book
12252 17154 Say You're One of Them Akpan, Uwem Fiction Book
12253 16059 Sayings from the Vedas Dilwali, Ashok Vedas Book
12254 8034 Sayings of Quaid-I-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah With his Life and Time At a Glance Ahmed, Rizwan Quotations Book
12255 4662 Sayyid Ahmad Hedayetullah, Muhammad Biography Book
12256 6774 Sayyid Ahmad Khan : A Reinterpretation of Muslim Theology Troll, Christian W Muslim Theology Book
12257 17166 Sayyis Qutb : A Study of His Tafsir Yusuf, Badmas Lanre Religion Book
12258 3135 Scalpel Carson, Paul Fiction Book
12259 12408 Scandal : A Scurrilous History of Gossip Wilkes, Roger Rumours Book
12260 20228 Scandal : An Explosive Expose of the Affairs, Corruption and Power Struggles of the Rich and Famous Wilson, Colin History Book
12261 7997 Scandinavia Innes, Hammond Scandinavia Book
12262 21841 Scared Games : Part I Chandra, Vikram Fiction Book
12263 4320 Scarlet Feather Binchy, Maeve Fiction Book
12264 23898 Scarlett Ripley, Alexandra Fiction Book
12265 1895 Scavenger Savage, Tom Fiction Book
12266 13738 Scenes from an Exective Life Mathur, Anurag Fiction Book
12267 23681 Scenes of the Crime Gagon, Jilly Fiction Book
12268 4053 Scent in the Islamic Garden Husain, Ali Akbar Gardens Book
12269 23514 Scent in the Islamic Garden (Second Edition) Husain, Ali Akbar Gardens Book
12270 13694 Scheherazade Goes West Mernissi, Fatima Muslim Women Book
12271 23517 School : The Dosco Chronicles Puri, Karam K School Book
12272 2157 School For Scandal Charles, Sara Fiction Book
12273 22665 Schoolgirl Missing Fortin, Sue Fiction Book
12274 14977 Science A History : 1543 - 2001 Gribbin, John Science Book
12275 15926 Science and Islam Iqbal, Muzaffar Islam and Science Book
12276 19019 Science And Poetry Midgley, Mary Science Book
12277 21358 Science and the City : The Mechanics Behind the Metropolis Winkless, Laurie Cities and Towns Book
12278 20629 Science at the Universities of the Muslim World Guessoum, Nidhal Universities of the Muslim World Book
12279 6818 Science Fiction Stories Blishen, Edward Junior Science Fiction Book
12280 8476 Science in Chains : The Crisis of Science and Scientists in the Soviet Union Today Popovsky, Mark Russia Book
12281 21243 Science in the Soul : Selected Writings of a Passionate Rationalist Dawkins, Richard Science - Philosophy Book
12282 19269 Science of Being and Art of Living : Transcendental Meditation Mahesh Yogi, Maharishi Transcendental Meditation Book
12283 9288 Scinde in the Forties Young, Colonel Keith Sindh Book
12284 1901 Scinde or The Unhappy Valley (Vol. I and II) Burton, Richard F Sindh Book
12285 15446 Scooby-Doo! : Annual 2008 Hanna-Barbera Cartoons Book
12286 19983 Scoop Waugh, Evelyn Fiction Book
12287 15425 Scoop : Inside Stories from the Partition to the Present Nayar, Kuldip Anthology Book
12288 9458 Scorecard Hasan, Khalid Essays Book
12289 19494 Scorpia Rising Horowitz, Anthony Junior Fiction Book
12290 5640 Scott of the Antarctic Huxley, Elspeth Biography Book
12291 21029 Scrabble Play Like a Champion : You Can be a Champion Too! Simmons, Allan Scrabble Book
12292 21030 Scrabble Play To Win Grossman, Barry Scrabble Book
12293 2073 Scrament Barker, Clive Fiction Book
12294 14892 Scream Queens of the Dead Sea Elbom, Gilad Fiction Book
12295 19566 Screw It, Let's Do It : Lessons in Life and Business Branson, Richard Entrepreneurship Book
12296 3263 Scruples Krantz, Judith Fiction Book
12297 13061 Sea Glass Shreve, Anita Fiction Book
12298 16146 Sea of Poppies Ghosh, Amitav Fiction Book
12299 10347 Sea Power and the Indian Ocean Kohli, S N Sea Warfare Book
12300 23339 Sea Prayer Hosseini, Khaled Refugees - Syria

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