Sind Club Library

List of Books

S. No Accession No Book Title Author Subject Type
10901 939 Payam-e-Iqbal Rashid Ahmad Siddiqui Urdu Poetry Book
10902 12903 Payam-e-Mashriq Iqbal, Muhammad Persian Poetry Book
10903 5442 Payambar : The Messenger (Vol Two) Rahnema, Zeinolabedin Muhammad (pbuh) Book
10904 4818 Payambar : The Messenger (Vol One) Rahnema, Zeinolabedin Muhammad (pbuh) Book
10905 5443 Payambar : The Messenger (Vol Three) Rahnema, Zeinolabedin Muhammad (pbuh) Book
10906 18101 Payback Barrington, James Fiction Book
10907 2708 Payback Lancaster, Graham Fiction Book
10908 2847 Payboy McCoy Sanders, Glenda Fiction Book
10909 12309 Peace and its Discontents (Gaza-Jericho 1993-1995) Said, Edward W Essays Book
10910 12037 Peacocks Dancing Maas, Sharon Fiction Book
10911 4949 Pearl Harbor Wallace, Randall Miscellaneous Book
10912 5709 Pearl Harbor Wallace, Randall Fiction Book
10913 2009 Pearl In The Mist Andrews, Virginia Fiction Book
10914 4772 Pearl S. Buck : A Biography Harris, Theodore F Biography Book
10915 13260 Pearls From the Indus : Studies in Sindhi Culture Schimmel, Annemarie Sindhi Culture Book
10916 1481 Pears Cyclopaedia 2000-2001 Cook, Christopher Encyclopaedia Book
10917 5618 Peary : The Explorer and the Man Weems, John Edward Biography Book
10918 12920 Pecked to Death by Ducks Cahill, Tim Fiction Book
10919 23467 Peeley Dupattey Sayeed, Nusser Urdu Junior Fiction Book
10920 19558 Pegasus Steel, Danielle Fiction Book
10921 9974 Pen Pals # 2 Wyeth, Sharon Dennis Junior Fiction Book
10922 10152 Pen Pals : Boys Wanted! Wyeth, Sharon Dennis Junior Fiction Book
10923 9814 Pendragon Coulter, Catherine Fiction Book
10924 3013 Penguin Book of Caribbean Short Stories Markham, E A Fiction Book
10925 5617 Pennell of the Afghan Frontier Pennell, Theodore Leighton Biography Book
10926 21665 Penny The Pony Fairy Meadows, Daisy Junior Fiction Book
10927 15365 People of the Book Karabell, Zachary History of Islam Book
10928 8509 People Without a Country : The Kurds and Kurdistan Chaliand, Gerard Kurdistan Book
10929 9457 People's Commitment Kardar, A H Pakistan Book
10930 21066 People's Movements in Pakistan Khwaja, Aslam Pakistan Book
10931 22062 People, Power, and Profits : Progressive Capitalism for an Age of Discontent Stiglitz, Joseph E Wealth - Social Aspects - United States Book
10932 9640 People, Princes and Paramount Power : Society and Politics in the Indian Princely States Jeffrey, Robin India - British Rule Book
10933 9932 Peoples and Empires Pagden, Anthony History Book
10934 5009 Peoples and Problems Gandhi, Indira India/Politics and Government Book
10935 15639 Perception of Islamic Philosophy Afridi, M R K Islamic Philosophy Book
10936 17353 Percy and the Pirates Punter, Russell Junior Fiction Book
10937 19971 Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief Riordan, Rick Junior Fiction Book
10938 1837 Perestroika: New Thinking for Our Country and the World Gorbachev, Mikhail Politics & Government Book
10939 21188 Perfect Ahern, Cecelia Fiction Book
10940 13743 Perfect Mcnaught, Judith Fiction Book
10941 16042 Perfect : A Pretty Little Liars Novel Shepard, Sara Fiction Book
10942 15985 Perfect Match Picoult, Jodi Fiction Book
10943 3051 Perfect Murder Taylor, Bernard Fiction Book
10944 18389 Perfect People James, Peter Fiction Book
10945 12367 Perfect Poison Phelps, M William Fiction Book
10946 14687 Perfect Soldiers : The Hijackers : Who They Were, Why They Did It Mcdermott, Terry Terrorist Book
10947 14502 Perfect Timing Mansell, Jill Fiction Book
10948 16913 Perfect You Scott, Elizabeth Fiction Book
10949 20118 Perfume : The Story of a Murderer Suskind, Patrick Fiction Book
10950 22952 Peril Woodward, Bob Presidents - US 21st Century Book
10951 4444 Perilous Planets Aldiss, Brian W Fiction Book
10952 15656 Perineum : Nether Parts of the Empire Satwik, Ambarish Fiction Book
10953 22238 Permanent Record Snowden, Edward US - National Security Agency Book
10954 11511 Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace Vidal, Gore Politics Book
10955 12532 Pershawar Express Krishn Chander Urdu Fiction Book
10956 23625 Persia : Land of Emperors and Kings Salahuddin, Iftikhar Travel - Iran Book
10957 7899 Persia and the Persian Question Volume II Curzon, George N Iran Book
10958 9274 Persia and the Persian Question : Volume I Curzon, George N Iran Book
10959 7546 Persian Ghazals of Ghalib Husain, Yusuf Persian Poetry Book
10960 14615 Persian Girls : A Memoir Rachlin, Nahid Memoirs Book
10961 8050 Persian Letters Montesquieu Letters Book
10962 2647 Persian Nights Johnson, Diane Fiction Book
10963 10615 Persian Psalms (Zabur-i 'Ajam) Parts I & II Iqbal, Muhammad Persian Poetry Book
10964 20208 Persian Roulette King, Oscar Fiction Book
10965 19546 Personal Child, Lee Fiction Book
10966 18474 Personal Adventures During the Indian Rebellion in Rohilcund, Futtehghur, and Oude Edwards, William History - India Book
10967 8384 Personal Diary of Admeral the Lord Louis Mountbatten Ziegler, Philip Biography Book
10968 9927 Personal History Graham, Katharine Autobiography Book
10969 10485 Personal Imperessions Berlin, Isaiah Biography Book
10970 1987 Personal Injuries Turow, Scott Fiction Book
10971 21701 Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah (Volume 1/2) Burton, Richard F Arabian Peninsula Book
10972 21742 Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah (Volume 2/2) Burton, Richard F Arabian Peninsula Book
10973 9561 Personal Obervations on Sindh Postans, T Sindh Book
10974 8866 Perspectives on Pakistan Dil, Anwar S. Pakistan Book
10975 21910 Perspectives on the Art & Architecture of Sindh Kalhoro, Zulfiqar Ali Sindh Book
10976 16789 Perspectives on World Politics :Second Edition Lttle, Richard International Relations Book
10977 20278 Persuader (2/2 copy) (Replacement) Child, Lee Fiction Book
10978 11385 Persuasion Austen, Jane Fiction Book
10979 15795 Pervez : A Novel Pestonji, Meher Fiction Book
10980 22303 Perween Rahman Azfar, Amina Junior Biography Book
10981 16347 Peshawar : City on the Frontier Jaffar, S M Peshawar - History Book
10982 2606 Pet Sematary King, Stephen Fiction Book
10983 10294 Peter Pan Disney, Walt Junior Fiction Book
10984 10107 Peter Pan Rosen, Michael Junior Fiction Book
10985 9984 Peter Pan : Saves the Day Disney, Walt Junior Fiction Book
10986 12956 Peter Pan and other Stories Time Young Classics Junior Fiction Book
10987 567 Peti Coat Abdul Rashid Howari Urdu Fiction Book
10988 7086 Petroleum Geology of Pakistan Kadri, Iqbal B. Petroleum Geology Book
10989 6812 Pets in Particular Allcock, James Pets Book
10990 2033 Pettals on the Wind Andrews, Virginia Fiction Book
10991 14161 Phartom Night Farris, John Fiction Book
10992 5573 Philby : The Life and Views of the K.G.B. Masterspy Knightley, Phillip KGB Masterspy Book
10993 5577 Philby of Arabia Monroe, Elizabeth Biography Book
10994 22503 Philosopher of the Heart Carlisle, Clare Philosophers Book
10995 16634 Philosophical Essays Russell, Bertrand Philosophy Book
10996 1367 Philosophical Writings Hutcheson, Francis Philosophy Book
10997 1373 Philosophy and Contemporary Issues Burr, John R Philosophy Book
10998 14183 Philosophy and Religion Charlesworth, Max Philosophy Book
10999 10644 Philosophy of Islamic Law and the Orientalists Muslehuddin, Muhammad Islamic Law Book
11000 13755 Philosophy of Sex Agarwal, Sukumar Sexuality Book

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