Sind Club Library

List of Books

S. No Accession No Book Title Author Subject Type
14601 12560 The Complete James Bond Movie Encyclopedia (OS) Rubin, Steven Jay Film/Movies Book
14602 6961 The Complete Manual of Fitness and Well Being Reader's Digest Health Book
14603 12452 The Complete Novels Bronte, Emily Fiction Book
14604 13347 The Complete Odes and Epodes Horace Latin Poetry Book
14605 14256 The Complete Parker Pyne Christie, Agatha Fiction Book
14606 11505 The Complete Poems and Plays Eliot, T S English Literature Book
14607 23464 The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson Johnson, Thomas H English Poems Book
14608 12207 The Complete Poems of John Keats Keats, John English Poetry Book
14609 2348 The Complete Professor Challenger Stories Doyle, Sir A Conan Fiction Book
14610 6320 The Complete Prophecies of Nostradamus Roberts, Henry C Prophecies Book
14611 3028 The Complete Prose Tales of Alexandr Sergeyevitch Pushkin Pushkin, Alexandr Sergeyevitch Fiction Book
14612 22961 The Complete Short Stories Kafka, Franz English Short Stories Book
14613 2593 The Complete Short Stories Franz Kafka Kafka, Franz Fiction Book
14614 14722 The Complete Short Stories of Sherlock Holmes Doyle, Arthur Conan English Short Stories Book
14615 13741 The Complete Speechmaker Willis, Jane Rhetoric Book
14616 8171 The Complete Stories, Plays and Poems of Oscar Wilde Wilde, Oscar English Literature Book
14617 6794 The Complete Training of Horse and Rider Podhajsky, Alois Horsemanship Book
14618 7258 The Complete Tutankhamun : The King The Tomb The Royal Treasure (OS) Reeves, Nicholas Tutankhamun Book
14619 7340 The Complete Vegetarian Cook Book (OS) Marshall, Anne Vegetarian Cooking Book
14620 7474 The Complete Yes Minister Hacker, James Fiction Book
14621 7473 The Complete Yes Prime Minister Hacker, James Fiction Book
14622 6826 The Complete Yoga Course (OS) Kent, Howard Yoga Book
14623 12454 The Complete, Fully Illustrated Works Carroll, Lewis Junior Fiction Book
14624 2351 The Conan Doyle Stories Doyle, Conan Fiction Book
14625 15793 The Conch Bearer Divakaruni, Chitra Banerjee Fiction Book
14626 14707 The Concise Animal Encyclopedia Burnie, David Animal Encyclopedia Book
14627 8177 The Concise Encyclopaedia of Islam Glasse, Cyril Islam Book
14628 1592 The Concise Encyclopedia of Living Faiths Zaehner, R C Religion Book
14629 6674 The Concise Handbook of Astronomy Ridpath, Ian Astronomy Book
14630 10583 The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English (1/2 copy) Sykes, J B Dictionary Book
14631 8325 The Conduct of War : An Introduction to Modern Warfare Payne, Samuel B War Book
14632 15823 The Conference of the Birds Farid Ud-din Attar Sufi Poetry Book
14633 14458 The Conference of the Birs : Mantiq-Ut-Tair Attar, Farid Uddin Mysticism Book
14634 23670 The Confession Room Middleton, Lia Fiction Book
14635 993 The Confessions Rousseau, Jean-Jacques Biography Book
14636 15209 The Confidante : Condoleezza Rice and the Creation of the Bush Legacy Kessler, Glenn Biography Book
14637 20546 The Confidence Game : Why We Fall For It... Every Time Konnikova, Maria Election Fraud Book
14638 3577 The Confidential Agent Greene, Graham Fiction Book
14639 9146 The Conquest of Scinde : A Commentary (Volume I) Outram, Sindh Book
14640 9145 The Conquest of Scinde : A Commentary (Volume II) Outram, Sindh Book
14641 8451 The Conquistadors Innes, Hammond Spain Book
14642 4630 The Conscripts (WOF) Winward, Walter Fiction Book
14643 15741 The Consequences of Love Addonia, Sulaiman Fiction Book
14644 1736 The Conspiracies Against Pakistan and The Women in the Lives of Politicians Khan, Abdul Hafeez Pakistan Book
14645 13826 The Conspiracy Club Kellerman, Jonathan Fiction Book
14646 4639 The Conspirators Haggard, William Fiction Book
14647 6930 The Constant Gardener (1/2 copy) Le Carre, John Fiction Book
14648 14664 The Constant Gardener (2/2 copy) Le Carre, John Fiction Book
14649 6722 The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Fazeel, Ahmer Constitution of Pakistan Book
14650 9066 The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan 1973 Khan, Makhdoom Ali Pakistan - Constitution Book
14651 18523 The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan : (Twentieth Amdt.) Ali, Zaka Constitution of Pakistan Book
14652 12943 The Constitution of The Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973 Sheikh, Zain Constitution of Pakistan Book
14653 19378 The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistsn Butt, Amjad Mahmood Constitution of Pakistan Book
14654 7923 The Constitutional and Legal Role of the Umma Faruki, Kemal A. Islam Book
14655 17161 The Constitutions of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan (Eighteeth Amdt) Act, 2010 Pakistan Constitution of Pakistan Book
14656 9287 The Continent of Circe Chaudhuri, Nirad C India Book
14657 21164 The Contractor : How I Landed in a Pakistani Prison and Ignited a Diplomatic Crisis (1/2 copy) Davis, Raymond US Foregin Relations Pakistan Book
14658 21165 The Contractor : How I Landed in a Pakistani Prison and Ignited a Diplomatic Crisis (2/2 copy) Davis, Raymond US Foregin Relations Pakistan Book
14659 16004 The Controversy of Zion : Jewish Nationalism, The Jewish State, and the Unresolved Jewish Dilemma Wheatcroft, Geoffrey Zionism - History Book
14660 13566 The Convenient Marriage Heyer, Georgette Fiction Book
14661 2545 The Convenient Marriage (WOF) Heyer, Georgette Fiction Book
14662 7083 The Cooking of Scandinavia (OS) Brown, Dale Cookery Book
14663 17791 The Coporate Coach Miller, James B Success in Business Book
14664 2080 The Copper Beech Binchy, Maeve Fiction Book
14665 21801 The Coral Tree Bond, Ruskin Fiction Book
14666 3474 The Cornelius Chronicles Moorcock, Michael Fiction Book
14667 21058 The Corporate Governance Landscape of Pakistan (1/2 Copy) Khan, Sadia Pakistan - Politics and Government Book
14668 21072 The Corporate Governance Landscape of Pakistan (2/2 Copy) Khan, Sadia Pakistan - Politics and Government Book
14669 14628 The Corporate Sufi Jamal, Azim Spiritualism Book
14670 20167 The Corpse Exhibition and Other Stories of Iraq Blasim, Hassan Shorts Stories Book
14671 17194 The Corrections Franzen, Jonathan Fiction Book
14672 20807 The Corridor of Uncertainty : How Cricket Mended a Torn Nation Suthar, Nihar Cricket - Afghanistan Book
14673 4220 The Cossacks Tolstoy, Leo Fiction Book
14674 5718 The Cost of Living Roy, Arundhati India Book
14675 23260 The Count of Monte Cristo Dumas, Alexandre Junior Fiction
14676 19973 The Count of Monte Cristo Dumas, Alexandre Fiction Timeless / Popular Book
14677 23260 The Count of Monte Cristo Dumas, Alexandre Junior Fiction
14678 2456 The Counterfeiters Gide, Andre Fiction Book
14679 21325 The Country Life Book of the Royal Family Talbot, Godfrey Great Britain Kings and Rulers Book
14680 9516 The Country of Balochistan, Its Geography, Topography, Ethnology and History Hughes, A W Balochistan Book
14681 22984 The Couple at No. 9 Douglas, Claire FICTION Book
14682 20558 The Courage to Act : A Memoir of a Crisis and Its Aftermath Bernanke, Ben S Memoirs Book
14683 6153 The Course of Empire (RC) Glubb, John Arabs Rare Collection
14684 9515 The Court and Camp of Runjeet Sing Osborne, W G Runjeet Sing Book
14685 13877 The Court of Caliphs : The Rise and Fall pf Islam's Greatest Dynasty Kennedy, Hugh Arabia - History Book
14686 12527 The Courtesana : The Demi-Monde in 19th-Century France Richardson, Joanna History - France Book
14687 21123 The Courtesans of Karim Street Dhar, Debotri Fiction Book
14688 22509 The Craft : How the Freemasons M Dickie, John Freemasons Book
14689 16566 The Craft Traditions of Pakistan : Clay, Cloth, Wood, Metal, Stone Bilgrami, Noorjehan Crafts Book
14690 18194 The Crafty Art Book Bull, Jane Handicraft Book
14691 18633 The Creation of Pakistan Khawaja, Inamullah History - Pakistan Book
14692 18459 The Creation of Pakistan Khawaja, Inamullah History - Pakistan Book
14693 17275 The Creation of Wealth : The Tatas from the 19th to the 21st Century Lala, R M Tata Family Book
14694 4344 The Creators Boorstin, Daniel J Fiction Book
14695 6587 The Crescent and the Cross : Muslim and Christian Approaches to War and Peace Haleem, Harfiyah Abdel War and Peace Book
14696 22281 The Cricketer Anthology of the Ashes Turbervill, Huw Cricket Book
14697 2029 The Crime of the Century Amis, Kingsley Fiction Book
14698 21883 The Crimes of the Grindelwald : The Original Screenplay Rowling, J K Fiction Book
14699 16668 The Crimson Petal and the White Faber, Michel Fiction Book
14700 1533 The Crippled Tree (1/2 copy) Suyin, Han China Book

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